
  • Promotion of development from outline planning through to detailed planning and design.
    Aspect has considerable experience in the preparation of Landscape and Visual Impact Assessments and Proofs of Evidence relating to new residential developments.
    Assessment will generally involve the appraisal of the existing landscape / townscape character and visual amenities, in particular their quality and sensitivity to change, which then enables a comprehensive impact assessment of the proposals.
  • Assessment of national and local policy, ensuring compliance. Liaising with Local Authorities to ensure a coordinated approach to development.
  • Strategic Masterplanning, creation of Development Framework Plans and integration of development as part of an urban extension.
  • Promotion of sites for allocation in emerging Local Development Frameworks and to meet future housing requirements.
  • Open space analysis/design as part of residential development, and integrating LAPs, LEAPs and NEAPs as part of the playspace strategy.
  • Masterplanning of proposals with the landscape and arboricultural appraisals informing the layout of the development to ensure that the proposed built elements can be integrated.
  • Preparation of Design and Access Statements and other supporting planning documents.
  • Preparation of public Consultation material and attendance at consultation events.
  • Detailed design of the setting of the proposals including both soft and hard landscape to create a high quality coordinated context for the development. Proposed detailing illustrated with planting plans, planting schedules, public realm plans, materials palettes and 3D visuals.