December 2023 – Land rear of Monkton Lane, Farnham (App Ref : APP /r3650 / w /123 /3324112 )

Ben Wright, Senior Director at Aspect, delivered evidence on the main issues being the effect upon character and appearance and whether it would lead to increased coalescence between settlements. The site was located outside built up areas, and within an Area of Strategic Visual Importance (ASVI) with policy requiring their appearance is enhanced with explanation text noting ASVI need protection for the crucial role they play in preventing coalescence of settlements.

In allowing the appeal, the Inspector agreed that the 56 dwellings would be a significant development but agreed that the adverse effects would be small and there would be no detrimental change in character.

The Inspector disagreed with the published character assessment and Council’s view regarding value and sensitivity and agreed with Aspect’s LVIA of low susceptibly, value and sensitivity resulting in a low landscape change. The Inspector also agreed that Aspect’s LVIA effects were realistic and accurate.