Stratford Road, Wolverton
The Concept for the landscape was to provide a robust strategy comprising some semi mature tree planting to the main site frontages, with shrub and ground cover species located where possible. The existing landscape buffers were considered as part of this development, and the northern boundary saw the removal of the planting in order to facilitate the landmark building. Due to the immature nature of this planting, there was an opportunity to provide large individual trees to the façade of the development, which complimented the architectural design, and seek to soften views and create large landscape features on the roadside. The planting on the northern boundary comprises a hedgerow, and some low ground cover planting adjacent to the building curtilage and the gardens. On the western boundary, the treatment remained as a tree belt, with glimpsed views through to the development along Great Monks Street. The enhancement of this tree belt will need to be discussed with the Parks Department at the Council, as part of a management strategy.
Tree planting along the main road through the development developed a robust tree avenue which enhanced the setting of the development. The landscape was limited to defined areas as such these will be of the highest quality and will comprise Advanced Nursery Stock (ANS) and semi mature specimens. In addition where non native species are used these were emphasized more formal spaces and crossing points.