Feldon Vale Solar Farm, Harbury, Warwickshire
Aspect Landscape Planning were appointed to prepare specialist landscape and visual support for the appeal following the refusal of planning permission for the development of 49.9MW ground mounted solar photovoltaic scheme on land near Bishop’s Itchington, Stratford on Avon, Warwickshire. The site consists of 82.5ha and the reason for refusal was due to the perceived effects upon the character and appearance of the surrounding landscape. Aspect’s Senior Director Ben Wright presented landscape evidence at the Hearing and having regard to national and local policy support for renewable energy and energy security, and a high level of biodiversity net gain including the introduction of flower rich meadows, the Inspector concluded the positive benefits of the scheme outweighed any initial harm to landscape character and appearance which would reduce over time to a limited impact and allowed the appeal. The landscape strategy plan and realistic before and after photomontages Aspect prepared to support the case helped illustrate an appropriate level of landscape mitigation in the form of new mixed native hedgerow and tree planting, alongside species rich wildflower grassland – all of which provided a net gain in terms of biodiversity. The appeal was allowed and planning permission was granted in December 2022.