Black Flatts Solar Farm Development
Aspect Landscape Planning prepared a detailed landscape and visual impact assessment alongside a landscape strategy plan, in relation to the development of 49.99MW ground mounted solar photovoltaic scheme on land at Black Flatts Farm, Blithbury, Rugeley. The site consists of 153 acres and is located to the west of Stoneyford Lane, Blithbury, Rugeley on agricultural land, situated approximately 3km to the north east of the Cannock Chase Area of Outstanding natural Beauty (AONB). The LVIA was supported by a Zone of Theoretical Visibility plan (ZTV) to assist in identifying the necessary viewpoints and scoping out large areas of the wider landscape setting at the early stages of the project. This enabled a better understanding of the limited relationship with the AONB, despite the relative proximity of the landscape designation to the site. The landscape strategy plan helped ‘sell’ the proposals identifying an appropriate level of landscape mitigation in the form of new mixed native hedgerow and tree planting, alongside species rich wildflower grassland – all of which provided a net gain in terms of biodiversity. Planning permission was granted in May 2022 and Aspect provided ongoing support in the form of detailed hard and soft landscape drawings and a landscape management plan for the discharge of the relevant conditions.